For a good cause (October rose)

 Hi y'all. How have you been?

At the end of October, I attended an event to raise money for LISCA. LISCA is the Senegalese league fighting against Cancer. The organisation provides free cancer screening, medications and support to people (mostly women) with cancer. Every year, in October, LISCA is very active to raise awareness against breast cancer, with free screening events and fund raisings. 

Poster for the event

This year, Khady Niang Diakhate, reknown Senegalese make up artist, organised an event under the theme of Sorority to raise funds for LISCA. She asked some of her designer friends to prepare for a fashion show. The clothes would be auctionned off to raise funds for LISCA. But during the event, she also wanted to celebrate some brave women who are working hard for the empowerement of women in Senegal and in Africa. 

Sequin boubou - Sinniature (my own brand)
Bag - Nene Yaya
Shoes - local brand

I attended the event with my friend and her mother. It was held in a huge hall at the Radisson Blu hotel. They were two types of entrance ticket, one simple and one VIP.  Some of the proceeds of the tickets would go to LISCA. The hall was huge with many round tables placed here and there. I bought a simple ticket so I was seated near the back with my friends, while the VIP tickets holder were seated in front near the podium. The tables were well decorated with flowers and nice table setting. But the room was poorly lit with pink flowery light effects. The event was supposed to start at 7PM, yet things officially kicked off around past 8PM. The guests were invited to serve themselves at a copious buffet. I indulged in salads, steaks and potatoe gratin with  brocoli. I finished it all with a Mango mousse and a stuffed choux. The food was delicious.

The food I had: salads, potato gratin with meat and broccoli 

With the purchase of the ticket, I also received a gift bag with some small goodies such as make up brushes and an October rose ruban pin. 

The gift bag

Little around 9PM, the main event started. 10 women have been chosen by the host Khady Niang Diakhate, to receive an award for their work, helping women. Some were working for the LISCA, other were hedge funder, fashion designer, TV show producer, owner of a travel agency, TV presentor. Women from different background. But they all had something in common, they work to promote women in their own little way. I knew of most of the women. I follow them on social media. I even attended some of their events in the past. I admire them for their work and dedication. They serve as role models. Therefore I think the awards they received were well deserved.

After the Award show, tthe fashion show started. 5 female designers were showcasing a collection they had designed specially for the event: Alia Bare, Bobo by Sag, Zadada, Sisters of Afrika and SoFatoo. The fashion show was a delight. I may not have liked most of the designs but I did appreciate the craft. I particularly fancied the designs by Bobo by Sag that I found to be very modern and chic and obviously Zadada, whom I am biased towards. Once the show was over, it was time for the auction. All the designs were being auctionned at a starting price of 75.000XOF ($121 or 115€). Some designs were more popular than others hence they were auctionned at a higher price going all the way to 185.000 XOF at some point. I may or may not have bid on a Zadada boubou. I could not believe it when I raised my hands. I was still trembling when it was done. I have never bid on anything in my entire life. 

The Zadada Boubou I bid for

Once the auction was over, there was a raffle going on. Earlier that night, I had purchased two tickets, one for me and one for another friend, who joined us at the table. With the raffle tickets you could win local designer handbags, a trip for two somewhere in Senegal, a spa for two, and several other prizes. Sadly, no one at our table won. 

By 1 in the morning, it was time for the entertainment. Daara Ji Family, a famous Senegalese rap group came to sing. People got up to dance. I wanted to stay a bit to enjoy the group. However, my friend and her mother were ready to retire. I knew that it would be hard for me to get proper transportation at this hour, so I left with them. My friend dropped me off. 

Daara- Ji family 

Before leaving, I heard Daara-Ji Family state that Khady Niang managed to raise 5 millions at this event, which was great. LISCA could surely use the money to help women with cancer. Cancer screening and treatment is very expensive. And only the super wealthy can afford them in my country. Cancer is a disease that does not discriminate. It can affect anyone no matter your background or social status. It destroys lives and leaves invisible scars in the hearts of the people who lost a loved one to this disease. 

I really did enjoy myself at the event. I realized that it had been a while since I got dressed up and went out. The last time I did was back in July for my cousin's wedding. Nevertheless, they were a few things I think, could have been better. I wished the Award ceremony did not drag on. 10 women were celebrated with a mini-video presentation of their work and speeches once they received their awards. It was too long and at some point, I lost interest. It could have been better if they sprinkle some enterntainment here and there just like at the Emmy's or the Oscars. Furthermore, I also think that the room was poorly lit. I could not see the designs properly during the fashion show, which was a pity because I am sure the clothes were very pretty and intricate. The theme of Sorority is beautiful but at some point it felt like a group of friends congratulating themselves with inside jokes that most of the audience was not privy to. 

Overall the event was fun. I was entertained, I laughed, I ate and was merry. And the best part, it was all for a good cause. 

If you are in Senegal, and would like to donate to LISCA, you can do so by:

- Orange Money #144#626# 

or by:

- Wave at Paiement/LISCA 

At these events, there are always photographers eager to take your pics for a fee. 

Now I leave you with pictures of some of the designs for the fashion show. Please note that these pictures do not belong to me. I screenshot them from Khady Niang instagram. 

Designs by Alia Bare

Designs by Zadada 

I would have bid on this ensemble if only the skirt was longer. I liked it so much.

Designs by Bobo by Sag 

Designs by SoFatoo 


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