Girls Trip: Dubai
Hi y'all! As mentionned in my previous post , I went to Dubai with my best friend, her daughter and her sister. I had planned to go to Cairo in May, but the plan fell through because of work. So when my best friend told me about Dubai, I had to go! This was my 3rd or 4th time in Dubai. I have been only on stop over on the way to Senegal from either Japan or India (you can read all about it here , here , here and here . My best friend was living there at the time so it was always great to visit her and do a little sightseeing. It was a dream of mine to come back and properly do Dubai. Comme mentionné dans mon post précédent, je suis allée à Dubaï avec ma meilleure amie, sa fille et sa sœur. J'avais prévu d'aller au Caire en mai, mais je n'ai pas pu à cause du travail. Alors quand ma meilleure amie m'a parlé de Dubaï, je n'ai pas h é siter ! C'était ma troisième ou quatri è me fois à Dubaï. J'y suis déjà allée en 2013 et 2015, mais seulement en escale s...