
Showing posts from November, 2022

Who's that girl?

Hello I just realized that in all my years of blogging, I may or may not have introduced myself to you. So today's post is all about me. Bonjour Je viens de réaliser qu'au cours de toutes mes années de blogs, je me suis peut-être jamais présentée. Donc, le billet d'aujourd'hui est à propos de moi. Top and shoes - Numero Uno Skirt - thrifted Accessories - HLM market My name is Michelle and I am currently 42 years old.  I am a   Muslim. I was born and raised in Dakar, Senegal, a small city in a small country on the western part of Africa. I am a mother to two teenage boys and I have been divorced for over five years now. I currently work full time for an international development agency. Yet on my spare time I design and sell clothes for my brand called Sinniature.  Je m'appelle Michelle et j'ai 42 ans. Je suis un musulmane. Je suis née et j'ai grandi à Dakar, au Sénégal, une petite ville dans un petit pays de l'Afrique  de l'ouest . Je suis mère de de...

Baby sitting and Window shopping

 Hello! I had one busy weekend. Let me recap! Bonjour! J'ai eu un week-end chargé. Je vous raconte. Altered Zara dress - Numero Uno Scarf - Gift Bag - thrifted Leather sandals - Ngaye Necklace - bought from a friend On friday, I had my niece sleep over because she wanted to spend time with her older cousins, my sons. My niece is 3 and slept over in our house only once last year during Christmas. She also stayed with us for one night during our get away to Somone over the Summer (more on that later on the blog). Her stay started flawlessly. By now we now her wants and needs: watch cartoons on YouTube, drink juice, eat candy (she calls chewing gum for some reason). She also had pizza for diner with her cousins, almost trying to grab all the food and wanting to save some for the day after (clever girl). However, soon enough she started with her antics: messing with the living room decorations, wanting to play with the water cooler, biting my son to get attention, asking me questions e...

The Third (social club review)

 Hi! I was discussing with a friend living abroad about social clubs, the type of place where people pay a membershi p and can join to do different activities such as sport, and leisure . She was hoping to join a posh club in her city in an effort to widen her horizons and meet new people. I told her that I found the idea of clubs to be elitist and racist but th at I could understand her need to join one .   Salut! Je discutais avec une amie vivant à l'étranger de clubs sociaux, le type d'endroit où les gens paient une certaine somme et peuvent s'inscrire pour faire différentes activités comme le sport et les loisirs. Elle espérait rejoindre un club chic de sa ville dans le but d'élargir ses horizons et de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. Je lui ai dit que je trouvais l'idée des clubs élitiste et raciste mais que je pouvais comprendre son besoin d'adherer a un. Tee - from my Mom Pants - gift Leather bag - Jolof Cuir Collection Shoe...