
Corporate wear (Back to school)

 Hi Y'all! How are you doing? It’s back-to-school time for my kids. My oldest just started college, and I have mixed feelings about it. As a (sometimes) helicopter mom, I accompanied him on his first day. Thankfully, he didn’t mind, and I wasn’t the only parent there! My second, on the other hand, as a typical teenager, insisted I stay home. “It’s embarrassing,” he said. It’s bittersweet because I remember how, just a few years ago, he clung to me on his first day of kindergarten. I knew he was ready to be independent, but watching his classmates cry definitely got him emotional. Today, let’s talk about workwear. Over the past couple of years, I’ve been mostly working from home, which means most days, you’ll find me in either my pajamas or house clothes. In my country, “house clothes” usually refer to loose-fitting, Mumu-style dresses, often in bold prints and vibrant colors. They’re super comfortable and easy to move around in, and I’ve amassed quite the collection of them! On day

Flat hunting in Dakar

Hello! I'm currently on the hunt for a flat to rent, and let me tell you, it's been quite the journey—trying to stay positive here, but honestly, it's driving me insane. After my separation, I moved back in with my parents, thinking it would be a temporary situation. I figured that once I settled in, I'd quickly find a place of my own. Fast forward six years since my divorce, and I’m still living at home. The reasons are straightforward: finding an affordable flat in this city, especially in this economy, is nothing short of a Herculean task. My brother and his wife spent two years searching before they found something decent and affordable near our parents' house. They’ve turned their flat into a place they love with renovations and thoughtful décor. Renting is expensive, and owning is practically unattainable unless you buy land outside the city, build from scratch, and ideally, bought that land 20 years ago. Sometimes, when I see the prices, I feel like crying be

Ngor - Weekend getaway

Hello! Remember when I posted about returning to  Ngor Island  after so long? In that post, I mentioned my intention to explore the island further. Well, I finally did just that, and I brought the boys along. Spontaneously, I decided to spend a weekend there. I can't count how many times I've planned a weekend on the island over the years. I even bookmarked some hotels and rental houses. Yet, somehow, I never managed to go. I didn't want to go alone and I couldn't find anyone to accompany me. I booked a room online at a hotel I had previously visited called La Maison du Bonheur. Off we went with the boys on a Friday afternoon. I called the hotel in advance to arrange transportation since Ngor is an island and requires a boat to get there. Upon arrival at the beach, I called the number the hotel gave me and reached a boat operator. I purchased round-trip fare for the boat: 6000 FCFA for us three. We were given life vests while we waited. The beach was crowded with others

La Gallerie du 19 M- Sunu Diggante

 One Friday afternoon in summer, feeling worn out from working from home and dealing with everyone else's issues but my own, I decided to head into town. My plan was to spend some quiet time away from everything and everyone, doing something just for me. I chose to visit the "Sunu Diggante" (What Binds Us) exhibition at Le 19 M, held at the Museum Théodore Monod in Dakar.  For those who don't know,  Le 19 M  , created by the famous fashion house Chanel, is a building that brings together several artisans specializing in fashion-related arts in France, such as embroidery, feather making, hat making, and weaving. Over the years, Chanel has acquired several houses with these specialties to revive French savoir-faire and avoid outsourcing. The building's name combines 19, Coco Chanel's birthdate, and M, representing the French words for fashion (Mode) and Métiers d'Art. Le 19M is more than a building; it's also a gallery. Embroidered dress - Ngaye Eyelet s

Time Pass

 One of my favorite Indian term is "Time Pass". I have heard of it while watching Bollywood movies. It is defined as the “action or fact of passing the time, typically in an aimless or unproductive way.” according to the dictionary from Oxford Languages. Today, I want to use the term in context of relationships. In recent years, I have discovered that some relationships are just time pass for people. You enter in a relationship with someone fully knowing that you have no intention of being serious. It means you are fooling around with that person but your ultimate goal is not to settle down whether to get married or to be a in a monogomous long term relationship. This is not a problem when both parties involved agree to the terms. It becomes an issue if one part of the couple is more serious than the other. You date someone hoping to get hitched only for that person to consider you time pass. It is frustrating. Top - Numero Uno Jeans - Mango Bag - Gracias boutique Sandals - D

A day to myself

 Hi y'all.  I have been MIA all through this month. I had so many things to do, so many events to prepare for such as Eid el Adhaa, and a wedding all the while being super busy with work.  Back in May, we had several public holidays. I had the opportunity to enjoy a long weekend with Pentecost. Usually in my country, when a public or religious holiday falls on sunday, the monday is also a public holiday. Furthermore, I had worked on a Saturday earlier in the month, so I decided to compensate by taking the Tuesday after the public holiday,off just to drag the very long weekend.  A normal person would have planned something and left the city for a weekend gateway. The Jazz festival in Saint Louis was on top of my list. But I did not plan it weeks ahead and all the hotels were already booked. To top it all, my son was doing his final exams and I needed to be there for him. Therefore I had 4 days with no plans to travel.  I did manage to make the best of it. On saturday, I had brunch w