Down memory lane
I think I have mentionned my former school once ow several times here before. But for those who are new to this blog, let me tell you that I was in a boarding school when I was a teen. My school called "Maison d'Education Mariama Ba" was located in a island named Goree, 3 kms away from the city of Dakar. I went there for middle and high school between the years of 1991 and 1998. Back in the day, to enter the school all you had to do was be among the 25 best girls who passed the middle school entrance exam. I think I was either 14th or 20th in the entire country. Anyway, I spent some of the best days of my life in that school. And there I met girls I still call my friends to this day.
Je pense avoir mentionné mon ancienne école plusieurs reprises dans ce blog auparavant. Mais pour ceux qui sont nouveaux ici, laissez-moi vous dire que j'étais dans un pensionnat pour le lycée. Mon école appelée "Maison d'Education Mariama Ba" était située sur une île nommée Gorée, à 3 kms de la ville de Dakar. J'y suis allée au collège et au lycée entre les années 1991 et 1998. À l'époque, pour entrer à l'école, il suffisait d'être parmi les 25 meilleures filles qui avaient réussi a l'examen d'entrée au collège. Je pense que j'étais soit 14e ou 20e dans tout le pays. Quoi qu'il en soit, j'ai passé les meilleurs jours de ma vie dans cette école. Et là, j'ai rencontré des filles qui sont encore mes amies à ce jour.
I am also trying to be active in the school alumini association. Trying because it is a commitment to get involved in all the things that the association does. I am already spread thin with family, work and side hustle. One of the activities the alumni does is mentoring the young generation still at school, particularly those who are ready to go to university. I always wanted to be part of that but never really pushed myself to do it. At first it was because I had impostor syndrome. I really did not believe that I had something to offer to those gilrs. But lately it was due to lazyness.
J'essaie aussi d'être active dans l'amicale des anciennes de l'école. Essayer car c'est un engagement à s'impliquer dans tout ce que fait l'association. Je suis déjà tres occupée avec la famille, le travail et mon business. L'une des activités de l'amicale consiste à encadrer la jeune génération encore à l'école, en particulier celle qui est prête à aller à l'université. J'ai toujours voulu en faire partie mais je ne me suis jamais vraiment poussée à le faire. Au début, c'était parce que j'avais le syndrome de l'imposteur. Je ne croyais vraiment pas que j'avais quelque chose à offrir à ces filles. Mais dernièrement, c'était dû à la paresse.
Thankfully, a cowroker gave me the opportunity to give back in another way. He is mentoring some elementary school girls in his neighborhood. He appraoched me asking if our alumni could mentor them as well. I told him that we do not do that but I was ready to go meet with the girls and let them know about the school if it was necessary. So back in May 2021, me and another lady from the alumni association went to visit the school and talk to the young girls. It was very interesting. The girls were shy in front of us, barely asking questions. And at some point I even wonder if their teachers and elders are not forcing the concept of my school to them. I am not really into pressuring kids specially academically. I am someone who does not respond well to pressure. Plus I believe that we should all be able to make the choice we want to make. However, if going to my alma mater could open doors for these young ladies I was all for it. Not to brag but most of the women who went to that school are successful in different fields.
Heureusement, un collègue m'a donné l'opportunité de m'engager d'une autre manière. Il parraine des écolières du primaire de son quartier. Il m'a approché pour me demander si nos anciens élèves pouvaient également les encadrer. Je lui ai dit que l'amicale ne faisait pas ça mais que j'étais prête à aller rencontrer les filles et leur faire connaître l'école si c'était nécessaire. Donc, en mai 2021, moi et un autre membre de l'amicale sommes allés visiter l'école et parler aux jeunes filles. C'était très intéressant. Les filles étaient timides devant nous, posant à peine des questions. Et à un moment donné, je me suis même demandée si leurs professeurs et leurs aînés ne leur imposaient pas le concept de mon école. Je n'aime vraiment pas mettre la pression sur les enfants, spécialement sur le plan académique. Je suis quelqu'un qui ne réagit pas bien à la pression. De plus, je crois que nous devrions tous pouvoir faire nos propres choix. Cependant, si aller à mon alma mater pouvait ouvrir des portes à ces jeunes filles, j'étais tout à fait d'accord. Je ne veux pas me vanter, mais la plupart des femmes qui sont allées à cette école réussissent dans différents domaines.
After the visit, it was decided that the young girls needed to see the school because how could they aim at attending it without knowing about it. It tooks months, but they finally settle on a date for a visit, in November 2021. And I tagged along.
Après la visite, il a été décidé que les jeunes filles avaient besoin de voir l'école car comment pouvaient-elles viser à la fréquenter sans la connaitre. Cela a pris des mois, mais on s'est finalement mis d'accord sur une date de visite, en novembre 2021.
The new school benches donated...
...last year by the alumni association
These cubbies are also relatively new
How many times did I sit on these ledges?
The PE field
The backyard where we used to sneak in to go buy snacks at the neighbor. It is closed now.
New cups at the cafeteria
The young girls I accompanied were thrilled about the school. They were still a bit shy but at the end of the visit, I could see them opening up a bit. They asked me some questions. The visit ended with them dancing and singing in the courtyard just like I used to some 25 years ago with my friends. Part of me wanted to go back to that sweet time, but part of me was happy to have become who I was and to be here to share my love with others. The girls all vowed to enter the school in a couple of years. I am not sure it can be done but I really hope that some of them will succeed. I want them to have better experiences and opportunities that I had. My world really opened up when I went to that school. And If I had to, I would do it all over again.