Sunday Stroll at the Village Artisanal de Soumbedioune

Since I have decided that I would celebrate me turning 39 by indulging a bit, I started checking places where I could get the things on my birthday list. As a frugal shopper, I rarely buy something the first time I see it. I usually check other places where it  is cheaper. Remember the Cauri shell bracelet and the Bogolan tote bag, that were on my list? Well I had to see if I could get it cheaper. I decided to go check the Artisan's Village of Soumbedioune or Village Artisanal de Soumbedioune.

The Village Artisanal de Soumbedioune is a small mall located right next to the Soumbedioune fish market along the corniche. It has been there for as long as I can remember, or since the 60s to be more exact. It was created by the first president of Senegal in an effort to boost Senegalese artists. It used to be visited by many tourists who wanted to buy unique souvenirs. There you can find articles in African prints such as clothes, pouches, silver jewelry, paintings, sculptures, and even small furniture.

Scarf - old
Dolman sweater kind of top - random store near my house
Jersey Skirt - same random store
Shoes - already featured on the blog
Bracelet - Petersen market

I have not set foot in the Village in years except at the beginning of this year. I wanted to show the village to the kids but for some reasons, it was not a big hit with them. I returned by myself today and I had a great time. I looked around for my bracelet, and tote, talked to some artisans or sellers and even ended up buying things I was not supposed to. I also discovered some nice gems that would have come home with me if money was not an issue such as a chest and a full length mirror in leather. I also crushed on some leather bag that I found a bit unusual and in a beautiful orange color.

Leather chest

Leather mirror

Triangle shaped leather bag

Against my good judgement, I ended up buying a leather handbag. It was not the plan but since it was on my shopping list anyway, I just gave in. The leather is snakeskin, and hopefully I will not have any nightmare about that. It is a small satchel that will be perfect for my outings. I am not sure what the real price on the market is, but I got it for 10000 FCFA (around $18 or 15 Euro). Considering that you can custom order a leather bag for 15000 FCFA, I think I made a good deal.

I also bought a simple silver ring just to please a stubborn seller who promised me to make me the Cauri shell bracelet I wanted. I am not sure I will order it there since they sell the bracelet and earrings for a cheaper price at the original place where I saw them first. Only time will tell.

You can get a crocodile skin inspired Birkin bag for a fraction of it's price there, only 150.000 FCFA

Or this snakeskin tote and matching wallet for 75000 FCFA (prices can be haggled)

The Village used to be a bustling place back in the day. But ever since a tunnel was built right in front of it, the location is no longer visible. The artisans are asking the State to help them to appeal to the tourists. But I think that they should try and do more by themselves. There so many ways they can promote their crafts starting by using social media or trying to create partnerships with tourist guides and hotels. If they only wait for the State to do something, nothing will change because I am not sure they are at the top of this government's priorities. Another problem is that sometimes they jack up the prices. Locals rarely go there because they think it is overpriced and only for tourists. It would be great to change this image.

On and all, I do not regret checking this place. It was on a Sunday afternoon so many stores were closed. I am thinking that next time I want to give somebody a special gift, I might go there instead of checking the novelty stores that sell generic stuff. It is a way to support our own artisans.

More leather chests

 Have you seen how cute this tiny orange satchel looks?

Cauri and silver jewelry


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