Spoiler Alert

Last week, I took the Friday off to go out with the kids who were on school leave. I originally planed to go visit Goree Island again but by the time I was ready, it was too late to go and enjoy a full day. So instead I took the kids to see the last Marvel movie Avengers Endgame. I have to confess that I am huge fan of Marvel movies. I think I watched every X-men and every Avenger Movies, in theatres and out. I used to read some of the X-men comics when I was a kid also. Funnily, I am not into any other fantasy movies like Harry Potter, Twilight or Games of Throne. I actually will skip a new series on TV or Netflix that deals with fantasy. But Marvel got my heart. Maybe it is because they cast Robert Downey Junior as Iron Man. Or maybe because I always wanted to have a super power. I am not sure. Whatever the case, I am glad that Avengers is over because they took enough of my money between the movies, and the toys I had to buy my kids. Anyway, before going to the movies, I to...